January 21, 2009

Word of Mouth: Nothing Better

"Informal conversation is probably the oldest mechanism by which opinions on products and brands are developed, expressed, and spread."

Johan Arndt
16th Century Lutheran Theologian

If you didn't see that Mr. Arndt said this a few hundred years ago wouldn't you guess it came out of some contemporary business book? You certainly would if we substituted "Word of mouth" for "Informal conversation", which we well could do.

Honestly, what if anything can be more important than people talking positively about your company, brand and product?


  1. "Word of Mouth" may no longer be contemporary. "Tweets", maybe. :)

  2. Maybe but too close to "twit", an accolade often assigned to me, which makes me feel uncomfortable for some reason.

  3. word of mouth can be powerful - both as a positive AND negative force. i think there's an old saying that says something to the effect of, a satisfied customer tells 2 people about his experience while a dissatisfied customer tells 10 people.

  4. I wouldn't be surprised to learn the ratio of bad comments to good was 10 to 1 if not more. Thinking about it I can't remember the last time someone voluntarily mentioned something good but I sure can the bad stuff (just this morning.)
