January 20, 2009

Leadership: Real or Fake?

"The leader of men in warfare can show himself to his followers only through a mask, a mask that he must make for himself, but a mask made in such form as will mark him to men of his time and place as the leader they want and need."

Sir John Keegan
British Military Historian

He's telling us that great military leaders must not only hide their true identity but craft one that others will want to follow.
  1. Can a military leader successfully pretend to be something he or she is not?
  2. Can they fake a leader's "mask"?
What about business leaders?


  1. You can't fake leadership although now that I think about it I believe the military does make more out of "putting on a strong face" than you usually hear in business.

    But I still don't think it is possible. You either are a leader or you are not and if you're not, no one will follow you for long.

  2. Franklin is right about individuals either being or not being a leader but I wonder if just trying to act like one will to some degree make you better than you would be if you didn't?

    Look at golf. Few will ever be PGA level players but just trying to hit the ball as they do does improve the games of most.
