March 13, 2009

Seeking Help: How Do You Know When It's Time?

"There are two ways to slide easily through life; to believe everything or to doubt everything. Both ways save us from thinking."

Alfred Korzybski
Polish-American Scientist

We cannot understand everything, on our own thinking our way to logical conclusions every time on every subject.

However if we are responsible for anything of consequence, which we all are in different ways, we must never stop trying to do so.

When we don't know, we must recognize that we don't and find those who do.

Do you have a "knowledge tripwire", a way to know when you need help from someone else?


  1. I do have a "tripwire" although it misses some problems.

    When I am certain I am right, I ask for additional opinion.

    Great for when certain but I've often found I should have sought help when I was less than certain.

  2. Good idea Michael and I suspect that since you do that when you are "certain", you probably also often do it when you are not as well.

    There have been a number of times where I asked for others opinions (although not often enough), secretly thinking it really wasn't necessary, only to find they were right and I was wrong.
