- People deny that innovation is required.
- People deny that innovation is effective.
- People deny that innovation is important.
- People deny that innovation will justify the effort required to adopt it.
- People accept and adopt the innovation, enjoy its benefits, attribute it to people other than the innovator, and deny the existence of stages 1 to 4.
Inspired by Alexander von Humbolt's "Three Stages of Scientific Discovery"
There is a lot of truth in this particularly in corporate culture unfriendly to innovation.
Think about the people you work with; how much of this applies to them?
How about you?
Think about the people you work with; how much of this applies to them?
How about you?
I've had my share of business successes and failures and in all of that I almost always found myself standing alone when things did not go right, and in a small crowd when they did.