"He who does not thank for little, will not thank for much."
Estonian Proverb
Other quotes having to do with gratitude say we don't express it as much as we should. We feel it, think it, but don't say it.
They're probably right.
Everything we get and become is, to varying degrees, the result of what others have done for us and on our behalf and nowhere is this more true than in business.
What do you have to be grateful about and who have you thanked?
Other quotes having to do with gratitude say we don't express it as much as we should. We feel it, think it, but don't say it.
They're probably right.
Everything we get and become is, to varying degrees, the result of what others have done for us and on our behalf and nowhere is this more true than in business.
What do you have to be grateful about and who have you thanked?
Thank you Bill for this blog.