"Don't fight a battle if you don't gain anything by winning."
Erwin Rommel
WWII General, German Army
WWII General, German Army
How many discussions, debates, arguments, disagreements have you been in where following this advice would have produced a more favorable outcome for you, the other party or both?
ReplyDeleteOften the only point is to win and even more often, simply for personal gratification. The "win" has nothing to do with achieving corporate goals.
I know you're not suggesting otherwise Kathy, but just to clarify, part of the problem is in even thinking in terms of "winning", which means someone else had to "lose."
ReplyDeleteIt would be much better if managers thought about their interaction with others as just that, interaction, with the goal of reaching the best solution.
I know that borders on Pollyanna and it may be, but the intent is to move away from confrontational, win/lose decision making.