"Many are stubborn in the path they have chosen, few in the pursuit of the goal."
Friedrich Nietzsche
It is easy to become more focused on one's own opinion rather than achievement of the group's goal. And this becomes even more so when there is a personality conflict between individuals.
If you don't like someone you probably won't want to do what they think is right.
Do you look for this in those you manage? If you do what if anything do you do when you see it happening?
If you don't like someone you probably won't want to do what they think is right.
Do you look for this in those you manage? If you do what if anything do you do when you see it happening?
Two very bright people who do not get along with accomplish much less than two not so bright people who do.
ReplyDeleteThere is little or nothing management can do when two people just don't like each other. Rather than try and make them cooperate, as soon as you know they won't, replace one or both on whatever it was they were doing.
ReplyDeleteOne way to spot ego centric managers is to listen for the number of times they use "I" when speaking. Above average is a red flag.