September 21, 2011

Manager = Big, Effective Thinker?

"Big thinking precedes great achievement."

Wilferd Peterson
20th century American author

Saying that is the easy part with the hard part being actually doing not only "big" thinking, but thinking that is also effective.

And just because you've got the manager title does not guarantee your thoughts are either big or effective.

I can point to many issues I've thought long and hard about with little or nothing to show for the effort. 

How about you?


  1. The bigger problem for me is separating thinking from worry. I easily confuse the two.

  2. Me too Caroline, very easy to do.

    British clergy/doctor/author D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones had some pretty good advice on this in his book "Spiritual Depression". He said, "Most of your unhappiness in life is due to the fact that you are listening to yourself rather than talking to yourself."

    Give yourself the advice you would give to someone in your situation who was asking you what they should do.

  3. Thanks Bill, it helps knowing I'm not alone. And I will check out the book.
