September 02, 2011

As Far As You Can And Then Just A Little Farther

"What we obtain too cheaply we esteem too lightly."

Thomas Paine
18th century English philosopher


Those goals easily reached may not have been worth bothering with in the first place.

Reach, really reach.


  1. isn't it better to not reach beyond your grasp?

  2. If I understand you correctly, if you only reach for what you can already grasp, are you really reaching at all?

    But I understand what I think you meant; it is also counterproductive to indiscriminately attempt to achieve unreasonable goals. You have to find balance between only doing what you've always done and wasting resources attempting to do more than is possible.

    Whatever the case really think about what you want to do and above all, have a plan. Without both just about anything worth doing will be difficult if not impossible to do.
