September 26, 2011

Because You Said So? Really?

"Do you know what amazes me more than anything else?  The impotence of force to organize anything."

Napoleon Bonaparte
18th century French general

And at some point simply ordering organization is no different than attempting to force it into existence.

How dictatorial is your management style?


  1. ordering without reason is an attempt to force and that rarely works

  2. I think it does work short-term and in a crisis, is a good way to proceed. But only if the person doing the ordering knows what they're talking about.

    However long-term the more inclusive the decision process the better. This does not mean the leader advocates his/her decision making responsibilities, only that those decisions are based on the best possible input, some to much of which will not come from them.

  3. That sounds more like my Dad, not a boss. Atleast Dads are somehow "licensed" to act irrationally because you owe half of who you are to him. What do I owe my boss?
