September 06, 2011

Continuing Education

"Education is an ornament in prosperity and a refuge in adversity."

3rd century Greek philosopher

We generally expect employees to come to work with their educations complete.

Should we?

Is there a set of circumstances where it makes sense for the company to offer/insist on continuing education?


  1. I've paid for too many employee MBA's that are now bringing benefit to some other company. No more. I want my employees to show up with all the schooling they want and need to do the job I want and need them to do.

  2. I'm with you Frank.

    There was a time when we had to pay for an employee's education just to keep them, but no more. I get 100 applications for every job I post and other than salary and benefits, I'm not paying for anything more.

  3. I'll take the other side of this.

    Much of a company's fate depends on its employees and it is in the company's best interest to have the most capable staff possible. If that means investing in their education, so be it.

    There are ways to do that and insure ROI to the employer; for example, we make ours sign an agreement that they will either stay with us for X time after we begin paying, or that they will reimburse us for any education costs we have paid on their behalf should they choose to leave before the end of the agreement. It's all in a signed attorney approved contact and to date we've had no problem with anyone not living up to the terms.
