July 08, 2009

Goals: What Do You Desire?

"One must desire something to be alive."

Margaret Deland
Early 20th century writer

On an individual level, desire what we dream. In our business lives, our goals.

What do you desire?


  1. Our goals are increased sales and profit coming from satisfied customers.

  2. On the "food chain" of goals, those are quite high, right below "make money" and/or "be happy".

    Do you get any more micro such as how much sales and profit or what constitutes a "satisfied" customer?

    If you haven't guessed, I advocate being micro from top to bottom. In fact if operational level people have measurable micro goals, the macro stuff (increased sales and profit) will take care of itself.

    And if they don't, well . . .

  3. Life long learning - to learn new things that are useful in pursuing my macro goal: easy living.
