May 14, 2009

Business Relations: Friends First, Second Or At All?

"A friendship founded on a business is a good deal better than a business founded on a friendship."

John D. Rockefeller

What makes good friends may not make good business partners with the reverse being true as well.

Would (have) you go into business with a friend?


  1. I've done both and both worked out however we had to work harder to make the "friends" partnership succeed. There was just too much unexpected baggage between us from our friendship. Good baggage but baggage nonetheless.

  2. About 8 years ago my best friend and I went into business together; a business that ultimately failed just short of being 2 years old. I haven't heard from her in 6 years.

    Get the picture?

  3. Something even worse still to REALLY consider: Should you go into business with a relative, especially a close family member? I say BE CAREFUL! I can speak from experience that doing so may ultimately prove an unwise and even hurtful decision. At the time, a friend warned me saying: "Forget spitting. Now you have to learn to swallow." How true!
