"I remember that a wise friend of mine did say "That which is everybody's business is nobody's business."
Izaak Walton
17th century English author
17th century English author
Interesting quote. I'm not sure what Mr. Walton had in mind but I see a connection to responsibility.
Any task worth doing must have one person assigned the responsibility to see that it is done, otherwise there is danger no one will.
What about you? Who "owns" what where you work?
Any task worth doing must have one person assigned the responsibility to see that it is done, otherwise there is danger no one will.
What about you? Who "owns" what where you work?
This is important. Everyone is busy, no one wants to take on more and as a result, many good ideas just fall to the side.
ReplyDeleteSomeone has to "own" anything that is deemed important, otherwise, no one does.
We call anything important enough to do, "key result actions" or KRA's. Each one gets assigned what you are calling an "owner" who, in turn, is responsible for coming up with a plan to either get it done or good reason why it won't be done. This includes dates and each one is reviewed no less than once a month by a mixed department management team, some more often depending on the topic.