April 17, 2009

The Future: When You Know . . . It No Longer Is

"The only thing that makes life possible is permanent, intolerable uncertainty; not knowing what comes next."

Ursula Kroeber Le Guin

Like it or not, relatively little is known for certain and nothing we "know" is forever, and in that there is opportunity.

Are you focused on what you don't know or what you soon will?

The answer suggests a lot about your future.


  1. I guess we all know life is uncertain and by extension, so is business. I suppose it comes down to how uncertain and how quickly does change affect us.

    Some deal with change better than others, some not at all.

  2. You're right Ken.

    I see in my clients a small minority who are comfortable with change; individuals who not only expect it but welcome it as an opportunity to move past their competition.

    A very, very small minority.
