October 24, 2011

Sooner Is (Much) Better

"Don't wait for your ship to come in, swim out to it."


Another exhortation to be proactive.

And staying with the "ship" analogy, I would add be looking for it before you see it.

You know, early birds, worms and the like.


  1. companies that win are those that reinvent themselves, those that go away don't

  2. This is sooooo motherhood. Of course those who update themselves do better than those who don't, the trick is to do that often.

    Most don't. Most managers and companies just keep doing whatever they know with little to no change.

  3. It is non specific Haley but short is the point of BW. I don't know who Anonymous is but at least she/he recognizes the need to change.

    His/her comment made me think about a long list of companies who don't reinvent, but instead start from scratch and take out well-established incumbents. Or, if they do reinvent, they do so out of desperation, US auto manufacturers being prime examples as was Apple pre iPod.

    Clean slate starts are, in many respects, more likely to succeed because they do not have the baggage of established companies.
