October 17, 2011


"Don't tell me that worry doesn't do any good; I know better.  The things I worry about don't happen."


When worry leads to thoughtful, purposeful action, I believe it can do good.

But worry for worry sake?



  1. easey for you to say

  2. I hope whatever is bothering you is something you can deal with but if not, talk with those you trust. The right people can help you in many ways.

    I came across the following quotes while researching my book on change. They helped me immensely and might do the same for you.

    "Most of your unhappiness in life is due to the fact that you are listening to yourself rather than talking to yourself."

    D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones “Spiritual Depression”

    Lloyd-Jones is referring to that little voice in all our heads; the one that more often than not tells us about bad rather than good things. We could and would advise others to not listen to what that voice says, but unfortunately we don't do that for ourselves as often as we should.

    “Fear and anxiety are debilitating emotions. They are interest paid in advance on the debt you may never owe.”

    “The Difference Maker: Making Your Attitude Your Greatest Asset” by John C. Maxwell.

    Pretty self-explanatory and very good advice.

    I don't know who you are but there's much more to this than can be put in this reply, so if you would like to talk about it further email (wmatthies@coyoteinsight.com) or call me (714 726-2901). I'll be happy to pass along what I've learned.
