"There are two kinds of people who never amount to much: Those who cannot do what they are told and those who can do nothing else."
Cyrus H. Curtis
Early 20th century American publisher
Early 20th century American publisher
This is one of the best quotes regarding reaction to authority I've seen.
How do you strike balance between being a too independent thinker versus not enough so?
I likely strayed too far to the former in my career.
How do you strike balance between being a too independent thinker versus not enough so?
I likely strayed too far to the former in my career.
"I likely strayed too far to the former in my career."
ReplyDeleteDo you think?
But it hasn't turned out too bad has it?
Some companies are "red tennis shoes" while others are "leather wingtips." Square pegs and round holes if you're one working in the other.
ReplyDeleteTry to determine which you and they are before going to work.
We struggle with this in our company. We've gone from a probably too rigid, top down organization to one that hopefully nurtures entrepreneurs.
ReplyDeleteI don't know which is better or if the new order will even work in our culture. So far it doesn't look like it will. There is a lot of internal resistance coming from the old guard who seem to prefer being told what to do. They don't like the usually younger, entrepreneurs we've recruited.
This was my idea and I need to see it to the end, whatever that will be.
You don't say how long you've been going through this transition nor how many of the old guard remains, the empowerment you give to the new people, etc.
ReplyDeleteDon't underestimate how difficult it is to change behavior, particularly when it is long entrenched. You can tell the organization it will be different but that doesn't mean people will not resist.
If you feel the company must become more entrepreneurial, do all you can to make it so as quickly as possible, including accepting the inevitable employee turnover. Not everyone will be suited to the new ways and it best for all concerned to make whatever staff changes you need as quickly as you can.