August 04, 2011

One More Time, Listen Carefully!

"To spell out the obvious is often to call it in question."

Eric Hoffer
20th century American philosopher

Food for thought the next time you find yourself restating the "obvious" more than once.


  1. i have a co worker who will not let up on whatever she believes in until the other side gives in. a classic example of winning battles while losing the war

  2. In many cases a lack of response is a more powerful rejection than anything you could say. Not only is it "no" but it is also a rejection of the other person.

    I don't advocate that as a rule but sometimes it is appropriate.

  3. It's too bad you can't "hide" people in real life as easily as you can on Facebook.

  4. I refuse to respond to you Margo because as a wise man (or was it " wise ass", I get those two confused) once said, "a lack of response is a more powerful rejection than anything you could say."
