"To succeed in politics, it is often necessary to rise above your principles."
Greek Philosopher
This day after our national election it seemed appropriate to have a political quote; one that absolutely fits the political scene and whether we want to admit it or not, often office politics as well.
One person in a company, no politics. Two people, arguably no politics (although I believe it is politics when one tries to manipulate the other.) Three or more; you've got politics with the only questions being, how much?
Is the presence of office politics automatically bad?
Greek Philosopher
This day after our national election it seemed appropriate to have a political quote; one that absolutely fits the political scene and whether we want to admit it or not, often office politics as well.
One person in a company, no politics. Two people, arguably no politics (although I believe it is politics when one tries to manipulate the other.) Three or more; you've got politics with the only questions being, how much?
Is the presence of office politics automatically bad?
Like torture, to some office politics will be viewed positively if it accomplishes something good but does the end justify the means? Not for me.
ReplyDeleteIt is never a good thing. Of all the evils I can think of that restrict growth, office politics is at the top of the list. Management cannot do enough to stop it but because it is human to politic it is also as inevitable as the sun coming up.
ReplyDeleteMost people don't even know when they are involved in office politics. Often it's only after when they find out they were not on a level playing field.
ReplyDeleteSenior management must look for politics and expose it whenever they find it. If one employee is suggesting something negative about another, get them together and demand specifics. If it's all smoke and no fire, you'll see that quickly.