June 12, 2013

Competitive Kindness

"You cannot do a kindness too soon, for you never know how soon it will be too late."

Ralph Waldo Emerson
19th century American poet/essayist/lecturer

What if any role does kindness play in business?

Does it have a formal place in business plans?


  1. what do you mean by "formal"?

  2. By formal I mean kindness is purposely acknowledged in some way in the business plan just as being a "good corporate citizen" often is.

  3. start worrying about being "kind" and you won't be in business long.

  4. I don't agree Anonymous. First of all "kindness" is many different things, taking many different forms, some of which in business could also be called "good management". To dismiss it all as you seem to have done is incredibly narrow minded, not just in business, period.
