March 03, 2011

A Never Ending Struggle?

"The workers of the world have nothing to lose but their chains.  Workers of the world unite!"

Karl Marx
19th century German philosopher

We appear to be heading in a new direction of sine wave feelings towards unions although it isn't clear to me whether the trend is up or down.

Why must it be either?

Is labor and management forever condemned to constant struggle?


  1. Anonymous, do you see that you and Marx are on opposite ends of the discussion, and if you do, can you at least allow that were he alive today, he would likely see your views in exactly the same way you see his?

    Instead of "black and white", how about some grays when considering management/labor relations?

  2. It will be a never ending struggle by design. It's throught the advocacy of extreme positions that concessions lead to a workable balance.
