"The one who adopts his policy to the time, prospers, and likewise that the one whose policy clashes with the demands of the time does not."
Niccolo Machiavelli
16th century Italian Philosopher
16th century Italian Philosopher
There are many variations of this theme; things like the tree that bends, survives, whereas the one that will not, does not.
But how do you know when to "adopt your policy" versus "stand your ground"? It doesn't look like Steve Jobs has done much "bending" recently and he appears to be doing OK.
And likewise there is a long list of managers in every industry you can think of, who, if they are still "standing their ground", are doing so outside of the company for which they used to work.
But how do you know when to "adopt your policy" versus "stand your ground"? It doesn't look like Steve Jobs has done much "bending" recently and he appears to be doing OK.
And likewise there is a long list of managers in every industry you can think of, who, if they are still "standing their ground", are doing so outside of the company for which they used to work.
When you are as talented as Jobs there is no need to bend.