February 09, 2009

Multi-Tasking: Efficient Foolishness?

"To do two things at once is to do neither."

Publilius Syrus
1st Century BC Assyrian Writer

I think it's safe to assume that Mr. Syrus did not believe in multi-tasking; nonetheless I understand his point. Try to do too much at once and you will either get nothing done or much that is not done right.

This really becomes important during times like now where fewer workers are forced to do more. That works, to a point, but there are limits.

How do you determine when you've got too many balls in the air at once, or worse if you manage others, have unknowingly forced them to?


  1. I don't mean to appear harsh or uncaring but now is not the time to worry about asking people to do more. Those who have jobs are lucky they do and must step up to do even more. If they don't or can't I have to find someone who will.

  2. I disagree; now is the time to worry about how much people can reasonably be expected to do.

    You don't just want things done, you want things done right and if ever there was a point to management it is now when you have to get more done with less people. That means you must care how much you give each to do.
