January 17, 2013

It Does Or It Should?

"The future influences the present just as much as the past."

Friedrich Nietzsche
19th century German-Swiss writer/philosopher

Yes assuming we think as much about the future as we do the past, planning for it in the process.

But sadly we don't and as a result we mostly just get what comes our way.


  1. We think about the past because we know what it was and we don't think about the future because we don't know what that will be. Is that wrong?

  2. Nothing about this is "wrong", more like "what is".

    I understand we don't know what the future will bring but that doesn't mean you shouldn't make assumptions and plan.

    Your entire life is about making plans no matter how informal they me be, which, in turn, are based on assumptions, many of which turn out to be false. So you alter your plans and move on.

    Think abou the past all you want, there is much to learn from what has been. But think as much and maybe more about the future. You'll soon live there.
