November 26, 2012

Rather Be Lucky Than Good?

"Substance is not enough, accident is also required."

Italian proverb

What role does luck play in your career?


  1. Good question. I think I've been more lucky than good, at least at some things, and that the reverse is true for many others I've known. But maybe I'm kidding myself and they see it differently.

    But if I had to choose I'd rather be good than lucky. Lucky doesn't happen often enough whereas being good does.

  2. I've occasionally had that same feeling about the people I've worked for and with. However the older I get the more I see things objectively. It's not that they were all that bad, all the time, now I all that good, all the time. Often my view of them, and, no doubt, their view of me, was obscured by circumstances. If only we could have seen that then.
