May 24, 2012

You Will Be What You Do

"Vocations which we wanted to pursue, but didn't, bleed, like colors, on the whole of our existence."

Honore de Balzac
Early 19th century French novelist

This suggests to me that Monsieur Balzac yearned to be something other than a writer.

If so, ironic in that there are many non writers yearning to write.

Memo to all just starting your career:  
Sooner than you think you will "be" whatever you "do.  

Choose your career path carefully.


  1. didnt you say you didnt do this when you were looking for your first job?

  2. I did say that and have again in my upcoming book "7 Truths of Change". Your point?

  3. just that you cant do one thing and tell others to do the opposite

  4. Well yes and no; many people do one thing while saying another; but I get your point.

    There is much more in these quotes that I should be doing that I don't, in addition to what I do but shouldn't. I'm far, far, far from perfect. But I work at it and these quotes are as much meant for me as you who read them.
