April 04, 2012

Above All Else, Understand

"I have striven not to laugh at human actions, not to weep at them, nor to hate them, but to understand them."

Benedict de Spinoza
17th century Dutch Jewish philosopher

I know I've visited this notion in other quotes but it is too important not to risk overstating.

If we did nothing more than understand the views of others there would be almost no limit to what we could accomplish.

Important in business, certainly, but in all things we do as well.


  1. And how appropriate that the cartoon shows so little "understanding". A lot of talk ("revealing") and listening but not much understanding to show for it. Just like in the real world.

  2. But it makes sense.

    You really do need to talk and listen a lot before understanding happens. At least I do. That is partly due to thinking we've said what needs to be said, and believing we've listened enough.

    Often we say too much and even more often don't listen nearly enough.
