March 08, 2012

Just Think What I Could Do If I Could Only Get This To Work!

"Technology does not drive change it enables change."


I thought this would be appropriate, one day after the introduction of iPad 3.

Of course there are those who believe that technology does little if anything to facilitate positive change; a view I myself have enthusiastically subscribed to while waiting on hold for some tech support agent to take my call.

What do you think?

Thumbs up or down for technology as a change enabler?


  1. Technology in the hands of someone who knows how to use it is powerful. Not so for those who don't.

    Change takes more than technology.

  2. "Facilitate" and "drive" are just too close for me to differentiate between. What's the difference?

  3. There's probably no provable definition of the similarities and differences of each, but here's how I see it.

    For me, "facilitating" is a softer version of "driving", with the latter suggesting completion, the former effort but not necessarily success.

    That said I believe that technology, effectively employed, encourages but does not guarantee positive change.

    But honestly, don't get too hung up on the semantics.
