March 29, 2012

"It Was Good Enough For My Grandfather . . ."

"To look back to antiquity is one thing, to go back to it is another."

Charles Caleb Colton
18th century British clergy

Much can and should be learned from the past and not just when it comes to retro design in automobiles.

And as George Santayana ominously suggested, "Those who do not learn from the past are doomed to repeat it."

However there is a very fine line between learning from and continuing to live as we once did, no matter how successful that approach might have been.

Whether you be an employee or an employer, is your focus primarily past, present, or future?

They are not supposed to be the same.

1 comment :

  1. Note to self: Must find way to get our ceo to read this without him knowing I did.
