"Nothing is so amusing as a total change of ideas."
Laurence Sterne
18th century British writer
18th century British writer
Nor as effective for improving productivity.
There simply is no way to overstate the importance of encouraging the process of change in business.
There simply is no way to overstate the importance of encouraging the process of change in business.
I know you're working on a book about the change process. What have you concluded and when will it be out?
ReplyDeleteI've learned how little I and most companies know about managing change.
ReplyDeleteDK when the book will be complete.
To all, if you're interested in the change process, what it is and how to make it happen to your benefit, contact me (wmatthies@coyoteinghtinsight.com). On or off the record, I am interested in your thoughts and experiences for my "change process" project.