December 12, 2012

Which Dog Will You Work For?

"Don't mistake pleasure for happiness. They are a different breed of dogs."

Josh Billings
19th century American humorist

Your career may bring one, sometimes both, occasionally neither.

Make sure you strive for the one you need as much if not more than the one you want.


  1. how are they different? I don't get it.

  2. I suppose for some people they aren't different. And in certain circumstances they could be different things to different people.

    I can think of a few thing that make me happy without being all that pleasurable. For example, getting my year-end accounting done, the dog washed, and completing computer tasks I had put off doing.

    Likewise there are pleasurable things that don't make me happy, however none I'm going to cop to publicly.

  3. Oh come on Bill, just one, please!!!
