October 22, 2012

The Illusion Of Truth

"Pleasure can be supported by an illusion; but happiness rests upon truth."

Nicholas Chamfort
18th century French writer

How many of your business decisions are based upon illusion versus truth?

How do you know which is which?


  1. Believing you know when illusion is truth and truth is illusion is an an illusion itself.

  2. I think it's more often a case of self-delusion.

    But it doesn't hav to be mandatory. We can all stop and think about what we say and do before we say and do it.

  3. I love this illusion... one of my favorite examples. Something I learned in Lisa Anderson's latest book, "Leverage Social Networks to Drive Business Results," is that you can use social networks to help analyze and make appropriate decisions to almost any decision that needs to be made in a business.

