November 07, 2011


"Life's heaviest burden is having nothing to carry."


My son asked if I would help an early 20's friend of his, network for a job.

Absolutely; the friend is a well educated all-round great guy who has the misfortune of needing a job in one of the worst economic times any of us can remember.

That got me thinking about doing more than just help in those random one-off situations.

What about establishing an informal, all volunteer, 1 to 1 ("121"), generally but not always older person to younger person, free job mentor program, matching those who need jobs with those who know the people who have the jobs?

Those looking for a job must still prepare themselves with education, training, etc., but those of us with established careers and contacts could proactively open our networks to them, coaching them as needed.  

Approximately 90% of the workforce has a job, which means 1 out of 10 don't.  Why can't the 9 of us who do help the 1 who doesn't?  And this would not be limited to just college graduates; everyone needs something to "carry".

As of now, just a thought but one I intend to act on.  Let me know if you would like to be involved.

Bill Matthies
714 726-2901


  1. GREAT idea Bill and I will contact you separately. Count me in.

  2. Terrific Mason, I've heard from others as well so hopefully we'll get some traction with this.

    Mostly I just see it as being open to receive, review and pass along resumes to others who may be hiring. In other words, what I think most of us tend to do with close friends or family and if so, why not with a larger group? We're not endorsing at that point, only circulating the resume.

    At any rate, thanks again and I will be back on this in some way.

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