November 21, 2011

Seeing What Does Not Exist

"When I examine myself and my methods of thought, I come to the conclusion that the gift of fantasy has meant more to me than my talent for absorbing positive knowledge."

Albert Einstein
20th century German-Swiss-US scientist

"Absorbing positive knowledge" implies learning that which already exists, something any number of people could do.

But it is the ability to fantasize constructively that sets a few apart from most.

Almost everything we do as children is original creation, only to fall away the older we get.

How sad.


  1. does anyone know if one culture, country, ethnicity, gender, age, etc., is better at this than are others

  2. I do believe there is research evidence to support the conclusion that countries whose culture emphasizes social good over individualism, are generally less creative, innovative, etc., and if so, it makes sense. The US population is a chaotic mish mash of every ethnicity you can think of, all competing with each other, and out of that comes a lot of creativity.

    As to demographic differences, I don't think so. It may be that men are more innovative than women but if so (I know of no evidence that says they are) it would more likely be due to other factors having to do with education and a culture that expects men to do such things as opposed to women. In other words self-fulfilling prophecy.
