November 29, 2011

The Teaching Manager

"Who can direct when all pretend to know?"

Oliver Goldsmith
18th century Irish writer/poet

Why would employees "pretend to know"?

They might if management expected them to know even when that expectation is unreasonable.

Discover what needs to be learned and then teach it.


  1. i work in a culture overrun with testosterone. way too many men with degrees suggesting (to them) that they know much more than they do. as a result most everyone acts as though they have no questions and just know what to do. we're a company of emperors with no clothes

  2. You have two options.

    One, attempt to change the culture.

    Two, leave.

    Number one can be very difficult to do, which, in this economy, is also true of number two.

    Think very carefully about what you want to do and above all else, plan.
