July 19, 2011

Venus and Mars

"As vivacity is the gift of women, gravity is that of men."
Joseph Addison
17th century English essayist

I don't believe in absolutes; that "everything", "nothing", "everyone", "no one" is "always" or "never" this or that, including traits ascribed to men and women.

But I do think there are some differences that often are true for many.

What are they for businessmen and businesswomen?


  1. women hate to hear this but business is tough and women are not. the 2 dont mix

  2. I understand you posting this anonymously.

    Do you work with women? If you do have you never met one you considered "tough" whatever that means?

    I respect all opinion posted here including a lot I do not agree with, this comment included.

  3. women invite...they put customers at ease.
