July 22, 2011

I Don't Want To Hear Any More!

"The weaker the intellect the stronger the belief."

James Dee Richardson
19th century American politician

I get the point but feel this goes too far.

Conviction in beliefs does not necessarily correlate with lower intellect but I do think unchallenged belief can get in the way of an otherwise inquiring mind.

There are many managers who simply will not listen to alternative views once they become convinced they know what is "right".


  1. It's not easy being simultaneously open to new ideas while at the same time being committed to a course of action.

  2. It takes 5 no's 2 get a YES

  3. I agree Ira but that's just one more thing about running a business that is difficult.

    And Ddan, I've been in a lot of situations where one no trumped a whole lot of yes's.

  4. I agree you can't easily be open to new ideas while being committed to course of action. However, I believe managmets get pay big bucks to handle this when it's called for.

  5. Little about business decision making is "easy", certainly including being open to new thinking while simultaneously following a course of action.

    Francis you said the ability to do that is why managers get the "big bucks". I don't see correlation between pay and performance even though there supposedly should be. Independent research (IBM and McKinsey consulting) shows that companies do no better than achieve 40% of their goals regardless of management pay. And think about all the start-ups whose management, in the beginning, works for little or nothing.

    Why the disconnect?
