May 11, 2011

Do You Build Or Destroy?

"People are eternally divided into two classes, the believer, builder and praiser, and the unbeliever, destroyer and critic."

John Ruskin
19th century English art critic

I don't know about only two classes and particularly so with these two greatly polarized opposites, but I do get the general idea.

However, given his profession as a critic, it does make me wonder which class Mr. Ruskin saw himself belonging to.

How about you?  Which are you?


  1. You're right about the two classes being limited.

    I'm a CFO and I suppose the only one of these even remotely close to what I do would have to be "critic, but if so, I certainly don't accept that I am also a "destroyer" or "unbeliever" no matter what my friends in marketing and sales may say.

  2. I feel your pain Frank and if it is any consolation, I also do as an ex marketing and sales guy.
