July 20, 2012

Stormy Seas

"He that will learn to pray, let him go to sea."

George Herbert
17th century British poet

Thinking of starting your own business?


  1. Yes, are you suggesting I shouldn't?

  2. As one who has started, succeeded, and failed in more companies than I've worked for, hardly. But I'm also not encouraging you or anyone else to make the leap.

    Those who do already have an over exaggerated expectation for success, and don't need any additional encouragement from anyone.

    Just do your best to understand the risk associated with attempting your own thing. No matter how good you are, the odds are against you.

  3. Fine for others but 1) I'm tired of the BS at work, and 2) I've got access to a product that everyone will want.

  4. I rest my case, and apologize for being flip.

    I'd like to help you if you're interested. If so, call to discuss (714 726-2901), no charge.
