July 12, 2010

The Importance of Striving

"One crowded hour of glorious life is worth an age without it."

Sir Walter Scott
18th century Scottish novelist

All quotes such as this, and there are many, say the same thing.

Life is doing, accomplishing, including failing.

We have to try.

Do you?


  1. The woman you picture is in a business suit, obviously working, which i haven't been ablve to do in over a year. I've tried but it hasn't helped.

  2. Sorry to hear that and I don't doubt for a minute that you have tried to find work. And if you want to work in the future, I hope you don't stop trying.

    There is no alternative to attempting to achieve whatever goals we set for ourselves. While others can help us get what we want, no one is more responsible for what happens to us than ourselves.

    If we don't do it, it won't get done.
