November 16, 2010

You Talkin' To Me?

"The world is run by C students."

Source unknown

Probably true but if not, this is.

The world is populated by mostly C students and if you intend to sell us something (B2B or B2C) you need to remember that with your marketing.

So what do you do?  More like what you don't do.

I've quoted my 6th grade teacher, Mr. Mathew Kim, on this before but his advice is worth repeating.

Speak not so you can be understood but so you cannot be misunderstood.


  1. Very clear and good advice.

  2. @ Katlin and very true... Keep it simple.

  3. Hey Mark, I see you are in Guanacaste.

    I'd like to think things are still as unspoiled as when I was last there (my company was located in a free zone just south of the airport, north of San Jose), but I'm guessing development has caught up.

    Rough, at points almost non existent roads from route 1 to the coast, but once there, heaven.
