August 26, 2010

Nothing But The Truth?

"We take greater pains to convince others we are happy than in trying to think so ourselves."


The connection to business . . . we take greater pains to convince others of things that we ourselves do not believe.

To what extent do you believe what you and/or your company says?  Is it ethical to say or support what you don't belive?


  1. Clearly not all GM workers drive GM cars, not all Coke workers drink Coke, etc.

    Are they not doing what their companies want them to do and if so, are they dishonest?

  2. Which raises a whole different question.

    How much of the company "cool aide" must an employee "drink" to be considered a good employee?

    If it is 100%, I have never been a "good" employee, even in my own companies.
