July 01, 2010

Analysis Yes, But Somebody Has To Decide

"Observation more than books, and experience more than persons, are the prime educators."

Amos Bronson Alcott
19th century American educator

As one who has made a career of formal market research, you might think I would disagree with this.

I don't.

At some point a human has to decide what to do next and all the research and analysis available to them, are only additional tools they can use to reach their decision.


  1. As a researcher, I have many clients who are all one way or the other. Research is the only way to make decisions, research is useless when making decisions.

    The secret is finding balance between the two.

  2. I think we might have had the same clients Carol.

    This happens because for many, market research is voo doo. They don't understand its limitations or capabilities.
