February 24, 2011


"To be happy is to become aware of oneself without fright."

Walter Benjamin
Early 20th century German philosopher

Something tells me that we have much less self-awareness as business people than we do in our "civilian" lives.

Able to hide behind our degrees and titles, we do.

What do you think? 

Do you really know your business persona, both the bad as well as the good?


  1. well i thought i did, what are you sahying

  2. This will take some soul-searching for many. The question is, do you act differently in your business life than you do in your personal life?

    If you don't think you do, one, you either don't, or two, you do and don't realize you do. If the second, you might ask yourself why you are not the same in both.

    Some perceive their business position/title to convey power they can use against co-workers. Others go the opposite direction treating family and friends less well then they do the people they work with.
