June 01, 2012

"Truth never damages a cause that is just."

Mahatma Gandhi
Late 19th/early 20th century Indian nationalist

Remember this the next time you are in a meeting, listening to opinions contrary to yours.

They may be wrong . . .

. . . but what if they're right?


  1. Listening, really listening, really is a rarely practiced art isn't it? I mean there is a lot of talking but how much of what is said is heard, not to mention understood? I would guess less than a third.

    If you're just starting your career, do all you can to become a good listener. You weren't born one, you have to work at it and it is the most important skill you can work to develop.

  2. Good advice Allan, I agree completely. My oldest son just started his first post MBA job and my suggestion was that if in the first 30 days or so he found he was talking as opposed to listening 50% or more of the time, he was talking too much.
