May 04, 2012

I Have A Vision!

"A hallucination is a fact, not an error; what is erroneous is a judgement based upon it."

Bertrand Russell
20th century British logician

Hallucinations, illusions, unsubstantiated beliefs and the like, have their place in the creative process.

They are a way-station on the road to sound judgement.

Just be certain you consider rather than accept them as fact.


  1. i work for an individual who is very creative although not as much as she thinks she is and she is totally dominated by illusions of what could be. every once in a while it works out but all too often she just loses interest until she gloms on to the next thing

  2. There are numerous examples of unbridled creativity accomplishing little or nothing. Sooner or later you have to get something done.

  3. Which raises the question, when it comes to business, which is worse (better?), too much or too little creativity? And is there such a thing as just the right amount? Looking back at my 20+ years in business, I don't think so.

  4. Tom's right, I don't recall working in a company that got the creativity thing right. I'm an ad professional and all the agencies I've worked for either had too much emphasis on creativity with too little on account management, or the reverse. Either way, sooner or later you lose the business.
