March 02, 2011

Neither A Borrower Or A Lender Be?

"If you can't pay for a thing, don't buy it.  If you can't get paid for a thing, don't sell it."

 Benjamin Franklin
18th century American statesman

Leave it to old Ben to reduce commerce to its most basic form, with a dose of New England pragmatism thrown in for good measure.

Don't over extend is still good advice but how practical is it to attempt to conduct business this way?  

I never could have started and grown my companies had I not sometimes borrowed and had I not accepted some assignments where I might not (sometimes did not) get paid.


  1. All things in moderation Bill. You can borrow, you can not get paid, you just can't do either or both too much.

  2. Well said Franklin.

    Say, you wouldn't be . . .
