December 08, 2010

The Win To Those Who Prepare

"The task we must set for ourselves is not to feel secure, but to be able to tolerate insecurity."

Erich Fromm
20th century psychoanalyst/social philosopher

Excellent advice for anyone starting his or her career.

The days of lifetime employment, if they ever existed, are now gone.  Whatever security you have you will make.

But don't fear that.  Understanding that is what is, is half the battle with the other half being, you must prepare accordingly.


  1. wouldnt the task be to reduce if not eliminate insecurity?

    i like these quotes, i get to question people smarter than me

  2. In a practical sense, yes.

    We will never completely eliminate insecurity but that is no reason we should settle for tolerating it either.

    I like your correction Rachel, let's go with reduce.
